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Plastic Free July kicks off today! It’s a great time to start buying things nude and saying goodbye to single-use plastic or – if you’ve already broken up with plastic ­– it’s sure to provide the extra momentum you need to take your War On Waste to the next level!

A global initiative created by the Plastic Free Foundation in Western Australia, Plastic-free July is an annual challenge that sees millions of people around the globe giving up single-use plastics for the month of July and often beyond.

If you’re new to saying no to single use the best thing about Plastic Free July is you get to decide how hardcore you want to go. There are options for newbies just starting out on their waste reduction journey and options for seasoned eco warriors who are going the full Zero Waste monty!

If you’re not sure where to start grabbing a Claycup is the perfect way to kick off your #plasticfreejuly challenge. Disposable cups are a one-billion-a-year catastrophe in Australia… That’s a huge amount of plastic-coated cups and plastic lids not being recycled and heading straight for landfill.

Claycups are the totally plastic-free way to solve a single-use plastic problem without resorting to more plastic. Made from clay, when they reach the end of their life they’ll simply go back into the earth without breaking down into microplastics like some other supposedly eco reusables out there.

If you’re signing up for Plastic Free July and using your Claycup why not share the plastic-free joy and give Claycups a shout out on Instagram? Tag @claycupsaustralia and hashtag #plasticfreejuly #claycupsaustralia #lovemycup and Claycups will share pics of you and your Claycup living it up plastic-free on their Instagram profile.

Oh and don’t forget to sign up to take the Plastic Free July challenge online here

Good luck!

Helen Barry is a Claycups ambassador, a print journalist turned eco blogger and Sydney mum of two on a Zero Waste adventure. Follow her on Instagram @waronwasteweekly and @ecobabycino

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